Sexual Addiction Certification
I Just received my Certified Sexual Addiction Therapist certification in the mail today.
After 4 weeks of classroom study, 30 hours of supervision, numerous case studies,
and tons of engaging conversations with my peers it is complete. In addition to sexual
addiction, IITAP does a fantastic job teaching trauma. We have numerous tests to help us
in the assessment process. The Sexual Dependency Inventory (SDI), The PTSI ( Post Traumatic
Stress Index), The WAWASI (The Money and Work Adaptive Styles Index ), and The IPAST (The Inventory for Partner Anxiety, Stress, and Trauma).
I would like to thank the IITAP organization for making this an outstanding education adventure.
IITAP is an organization created by Dr. Patrick Carnes, Ph.d. Dr. Carnes is the author of many
books including Out of the Shadows, Betrayal Bonds, Facing the Shadows, and The Recovery Zone.
Thanks to Dr. Carnes for his body of work which has enabled many of us to gain knowledge and
competence in the field of Sexual Addiction and Trauma.